Just thought I would write a little update and post a couple photos. Aidan got to go on a little road trip yesterday with daddy while I slept since I had worked the night before. And man did I need the sleep! I am surprised by how little sleep I can survive on lately! It felt good to sleep a solid 6 hours and then get up and do a little shopping.
Aidan did great visiting great grandma, grandpa and Aunt Jennifer. The only sad note is that I missed Aidan's first belly laugh. I guess he was sleeping at grandpa's and he let out two belly laughs in his sleep. But I guess it only half counts since he was asleep...right? Oh course I was a nervous mom having my baby gone all day. But I knew he would do great with Anthony.
On their way home last night they stopped and say me at work. And while they were here I put Aidan on the scale to see how big he has gotten. He is around 15 1/2lbs!!! He is getting so big. The official stats will come on Monday when he has his 4 month appointment. He has done great sleeping the last couple of days. So hopefully he will continue sleeping well so I can get some sleep too.