Aidan loves to eat remotes and anything electronic

Getting into trouble!

My favorite toy my activity table

Aidan likes to watch the dogs when they are outside

Aidan riding his Hippo mobile
OK so I have been a bad blogger and not updated in quite awhile. So here is what has been going on...
Aidan is officially mobile and into everything. He started crawling about 1 month ago and is all over the house. His favorite thing to try and get is the cat and dog food in the kitchen at least he has not eaten it yet! He has also started pulling up in the last couple weeks which he likes to do on objects and furniture that is not stable and give me a heart attack!
It is really cute to see him standing in his crib in the morning all smiles! Aidan is also finally sleeping
thru the night after a little sleep training.
Aidan learned really quickly after one night that he sleeps in his crib and he can even put himself to sleep! Which I am very grateful for since I am now getting some more sleep!
Aidan will be 10 months old tomorrow which I cannot believe, time has gone by so fast, in 2 months he will be 1 year old! Everyday I see a little more toddler and a little less baby, which is sad and exciting at the same time.
While I was away I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth out which was not very fun but at least it is over with and I wont have to do it again.
Anthony is doing good in school, he is in his second term and getting into the groove of school, work and family. Which I think he is doing a very good job juggling.
I leave you with some recent pictures!