Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I haven't been on here in awhile so it is time to update on everything Aidan has been doing. He is rolling over now for about a week. But he can only roll from back to tummy so eventually he gets made when he cannot get off of his tummy. lol. He is working on sitting up, he does pretty well with the boppy around him. He is eating his baby food like it is going out of style, he loves all fruit and peas and carrots so far.
We took our first trip to Redmond at the end of May and stayed for the weekend. It was Aidan's first big trip and staying in a hotel. He did really well on the 3 hour drive we only had to stop once for him. While we were there we took him in the pool and he did really well he let me float him on his back even. We were in Redmond with my sister and brother in law for truck pulls. Which if you don't know are loud big trucks seeing how far they can pull a sled. So Aidan had to wear headphones to block out the noise, which he did great with.
His sleep is still about the same he wakes up about once a night but that is okay. He is starting to do better with his naps, not really any longer but at least he will lay down in his crib now for them.
Sorry this was so long have not been on here in awhile. So I will leave you with some pictures from all the recent things Aidan has been doing.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

Ok, your pics are up finally! Take a peak.