So we had to go to the doctor's office yesterday for a diaper rash (which is being taken care of) and they weighed him again. I swear every time I put him on a scale lately he adds a pound lol! He weighed 13lbs 3oz!! My little chunky monkey is getting so big! It took us forever to get to the scale because Aidan was in a good mood and smiling and cooing for all the girls in the office lol. They just loved him, he is already a little ladies man.
On another note crib sleep is going pretty well he goes to bed really well at night now and sleep for about 4 to 6 hours before he wakes up. Naps have greatly improved now that I discovered that he wants to be swaddled during his naps. The first time I swaddled him the other day he took a 2 1/2 hour nap!! Before he would only do 30 minute naps.
He is growing so fast it is amazing. I know everyone said they would grow fast but it still amazes me everyday how big he is getting and how much he is learning already. I can't for the months ahead as he does more and more.
Welcome to the Hammerschmith's blog! These are the ramblings of our day to day lives of discovering what life is like with our new son!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
2 week photos from Amy!

On another note I entered Aidan in a cutest baby contest. You can vote once a day.
Here is the link.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bring on the crib!
So the past few nights we have been trying to put Aidan to bed in his crib. One night he did really well, he slept in his crib from 9pm until 2am which I thought was great for his first try. So I thought we were on to something. But last night he was not having it, he kept waking up every 10 to 15 minutes in his crib so finally i just brought him to bed with us.
So far tonight he is not doing too bad, he is in his crib and I have only had to go in there once. So I am hopefully we will have success over the next couple of weeks. I love that he sleeps with us but I feel we all sleep a little better with him in his crib. So wish us luck!
Plus I don't want him to be 5 and still sleeping with!
So far tonight he is not doing too bad, he is in his crib and I have only had to go in there once. So I am hopefully we will have success over the next couple of weeks. I love that he sleeps with us but I feel we all sleep a little better with him in his crib. So wish us luck!
Plus I don't want him to be 5 and still sleeping with!
Monday, March 23, 2009
First 3 days down!
Well I went back to work on Friday. The first night back was not fun, I was pretty tearful when I got to work. Leaving Aidan was so hard even though I was leaving him with Anthony. But Anthony brought him in to see me and that made me feel better.
Also the night got better because I got to go home at 3am, and when I got home I found Aidan and Anthony fast asleep in bed. What a great sight to come home to. The next couple days my mom and sister watched Aidan while I slept and got ready for work. It is very weird getting ready, sleeping and leaving without Aidan.
The next couple of nights were busy at work and I got back into the swing of things pretty quickly. Anthony had a rough couple of days but he is getting the hang of things. Aidan is doing well with everyone watching him. Elizabeth even watched him today by herself while I slept and she did a great job! She loves taking care of her nephew.
On another note I put Aidan on the scale last night at work and man is he getting big he weighed over 12lbs!!! He is growing so fast!
Also the night got better because I got to go home at 3am, and when I got home I found Aidan and Anthony fast asleep in bed. What a great sight to come home to. The next couple days my mom and sister watched Aidan while I slept and got ready for work. It is very weird getting ready, sleeping and leaving without Aidan.
The next couple of nights were busy at work and I got back into the swing of things pretty quickly. Anthony had a rough couple of days but he is getting the hang of things. Aidan is doing well with everyone watching him. Elizabeth even watched him today by herself while I slept and she did a great job! She loves taking care of her nephew.
On another note I put Aidan on the scale last night at work and man is he getting big he weighed over 12lbs!!! He is growing so fast!
Saturday, March 21, 2009
New Pictures!!!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Dreading Tomorrow....
So tomorrow I go back to work, and the closer it gets the more I dread it. For the past 3 months I have been with Aidan almost every moment. I cannot even imagine leaving him tomorrow for 12 hours. I know he will be in great hands with his daddy and my mom, but still I am worried. I mean what he gets so up set and wants to nurse? Oh tomorrow is going to suck, all I am going to do is worry and cry :(
Also my other worry is I have to pump at work. Don't get me wrong everyone is really understanding about it, I mean what better place to work than a labor and delivery unit! But what if we get so busy I can't pump as often as I need to? I am already worried about my supply dipping. Anthony said he will bring Aidan to work to see me tomorrow which should help a little.
I'm sure it will get better in time and we will get a routine going, but until then I will worry. To top it off I could get put on call tomorrow night , which means I might have go through the whole first night back to work all over again.
Sometimes I wish I could just stay home with Aidan, but part of me feels guilty for wanting to work once in awhile. Plus I haven't worked in 3 months so hopefully I remember how to do my job. AArrggghhh!!!! I just wish tomorrow was over.
Also my other worry is I have to pump at work. Don't get me wrong everyone is really understanding about it, I mean what better place to work than a labor and delivery unit! But what if we get so busy I can't pump as often as I need to? I am already worried about my supply dipping. Anthony said he will bring Aidan to work to see me tomorrow which should help a little.
I'm sure it will get better in time and we will get a routine going, but until then I will worry. To top it off I could get put on call tomorrow night , which means I might have go through the whole first night back to work all over again.
Sometimes I wish I could just stay home with Aidan, but part of me feels guilty for wanting to work once in awhile. Plus I haven't worked in 3 months so hopefully I remember how to do my job. AArrggghhh!!!! I just wish tomorrow was over.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I love the Bjorn!
Over the past couple days I have come to discover the joy of the Bjorn carrier. Aidan loves to be held and carried even while he is sleeping, which can make do things rather difficult. So on Monday I took Elizabeth to buy cleats and I put Aidan in the Bjorn and he slept the entire time! Plus my hands were free! Then today when we went to see Anthony at work I decided to try the Bjorn again, and he slept the entire time at the mall. Plus I did not have to haul the carseat and stroller into the mall.
Tonight he did not want to be put down to sleep so I brought the Bjorn inside. And what a funny sight to have Aidan hanging off of me in his Bjorn as happy as can be while I wash his bottles. So my new love for right now is the Bjorn everyone should have one. Lol!
Tonight he did not want to be put down to sleep so I brought the Bjorn inside. And what a funny sight to have Aidan hanging off of me in his Bjorn as happy as can be while I wash his bottles. So my new love for right now is the Bjorn everyone should have one. Lol!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Aidan's entrance into the world!
Well since I have been meaning to start this blog for awhile I thought I might start with writing Aidan's birth story here. Partially so I don't forget it and also because I like reading other peoples birth stories.
Aidan's original due date was January 13, 2009. So I was a little surprised the day after Christmas when my water broke at 4:45pm. I was kind of in shock and did not want to believe I was going to have my baby since I was not ready! I was only 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant. Plus I was suppose to work that night. So I called work and told them that I would be coming in as a patient instead of
I then decided to wait to tell Anthony when he got home from work in an hour since I was not contracting and I did not want to freak him out. So here I am trying to pack for the hospital while water is dripping everywhere!
Once Anthony got home I told him were going to be having the baby. He was so excited! Then we realized that we had not bought the video camera yet. So I sent him out to do that while I took a shower. About an hour later we were ready to go. We had to take the truck since it was at the end of the 2 week winter storm we had been having.
We got to the hospital around 8:00pm and my co worker Kerri was my nurse which I was excited for. Dr. Farley came in to check me and said I was 4cm even though I was not contracting. I tried everything to go into labor but to no avail.
So at 0045 I decided to start pitocin to kick me into labor. Oh did it work by 0130 I was feeling the contractions. But Anthony and my sister Jennifer were great throughout the entire labor. At 0300 I was 5cm which in my mind was not far enough lol. Because I had a goal of 0900 that morning since my doctor was leaving on vacation.
Well at 0600 it was getting really intense and I needed a little relief so I asked for so fentanyl in my IV. I was 7cm dilated. Oh what an amazing drug! I slept for a half an hour! Then at 0700 I asked for more fentanyl and I was 8cm dilated.
At 0745 I felt like I had to push, that is when Dr. Farley came in to check on me and I was 10cm.
I pushed for 45mins and had an episiotomy. Aidan David Hammerschmith was born on December 27, 2008 at 0831 in the morning.
He weighed 7lbs 9oz and was 18 inches long!
Aidan smiling!

So Aidan has been smiling for some time now, but it has proven difficult to catch on camera! Over the past couple of days I have been able to catch a few amazing smiles on camera. So enjoy!
I also thought I would update everyone on how Aidan is doing after his surgery. He had an inguinal hernia repair on Friday March 13. He was such a trooper, he was way stronger than his mom and dad. We were both a nervous wreck. The worst part was that he could not eat for 5 hours before the surgery so about 1 hour before they took him he was just screaming, which broke my heart.
But after the surgery he did great! He ate a little and fell back to sleep and we were able to take him home. He has been doing very well the past couple of days as well. Overall I am very happy with the care we got at the hospital and Anthony and I are so relieved it is over!
I finally caved and made a blog!
Alright so here I go into the world of blogging. I am doing this mainly just to write down what happens with our family. Also so that friends and family can keep updated on the happenings of the Hammerschmith family. So sit back and enjoy!
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