Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bring on the crib!

So the past few nights we have been trying to put Aidan to bed in his crib. One night he did really well, he slept in his crib from 9pm until 2am which I thought was great for his first try. So I thought we were on to something. But last night he was not having it, he kept waking up every 10 to 15 minutes in his crib so finally i just brought him to bed with us.

So far tonight he is not doing too bad, he is in his crib and I have only had to go in there once. So I am hopefully we will have success over the next couple of weeks. I love that he sleeps with us but I feel we all sleep a little better with him in his crib. So wish us luck!

Plus I don't want him to be 5 and still sleeping with!

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