Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dreading Tomorrow....

So tomorrow I go back to work, and the closer it gets the more I dread it. For the past 3 months I have been with Aidan almost every moment. I cannot even imagine leaving him tomorrow for 12 hours. I know he will be in great hands with his daddy and my mom, but still I am worried. I mean what he gets so up set and wants to nurse? Oh tomorrow is going to suck, all I am going to do is worry and cry :(

Also my other worry is I have to pump at work. Don't get me wrong everyone is really understanding about it, I mean what better place to work than a labor and delivery unit! But what if we get so busy I can't pump as often as I need to? I am already worried about my supply dipping. Anthony said he will bring Aidan to work to see me tomorrow which should help a little.

I'm sure it will get better in time and we will get a routine going, but until then I will worry. To top it off I could get put on call tomorrow night , which means I might have go through the whole first night back to work all over again.

Sometimes I wish I could just stay home with Aidan, but part of me feels guilty for wanting to work once in awhile. Plus I haven't worked in 3 months so hopefully I remember how to do my job. AArrggghhh!!!! I just wish tomorrow was over.

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