We have been very busy over the past couple of weeks. I bought Aidan his first baby pool so he could stay cool in this horrible heat. He did really well except for one slip under the water which he did not really like.
Aidan also went to his first concert last week. My coworker Jan's son is in a band called Intervision. Me, Aidan and my mom went and saw them play at West Linn Park. Aidan enjoyed being outside and hearing the music. We also got to see a few other coworker's little ones.
On July 27 Aidan turned 7 months old and on this exact day we saw for the first time that his 2 bottom teeth are coming in! So that would explain the fussiness and waking up at night. So he has a constant supply of tylenol, baby orajel and baby teething toys.
Also in the past few days Aidan has discovered that he does in fact like to roll around. The only problem is that he likes to do it most when he is sleeping and he will roll onto his stomach and then wake up crying. He is like a windmill in our bed, he will roll over and as soon as I put him back he turns back over! lol. He also likes to face dive into things. Which is kind of scary for me, he has had a few dives into the floor and his toys which ended with him crying.
In other news Anthony had his first week of school this past week, and so far so good. He seems to be enjoying it and he is getting used to being home more, especially in the evenings.
So hope everyone is staying cool with our temperatures getting up to 105! I will leave you with some recent pictures of Aidan.
1 comment:
I can't believe how much he has changed over the past seven months. I just keep looking at his newborn pics and it is hard to believe he is the same little guy. He is getting to a super fun age though, now...minus the teething thing!
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