It has been awhile since I last updated. Aidan has been teething like crazy this last month. Which means for us a lot less sleep! But I think we are doing better at the moment. He has about 3 or 4 teeth coming in on top, I know a lot! Aidan is also trying really hard to be mobile. He can get up on his hands and knees and rock and then he falls on his tummy, it is so cute to watch. He can roll all over the place which he prefers to do on our beds.
He loves to stand still. And he is getting better at it. He can stand at his activity table and the couches pretty well without falling. So he should be moving around pretty soon. Guess it is time to seriously baby proof.
In July we took Aidan to the zoo twice. The first time we went with Anthony's dad brother and stepmom. We all had fun and Aidan liked looking at the animals. Then the next week we went again this time with my mom, sister Elizabeth, older sister Jennifer and her 3 kids. A little more chaotic but still fun! So Aidan has gotten his fill of the zoo so far, hopefully he will enjoy it even more next year.
In other news Anthony is doing well at school, he is done with his first midterms and they went well. So he is still treking along with his schooling and work.
I have had the joy of many visits to the dentist lately, and next month I get to have my wisdom teeth out. But luckily Anthony will have a few days off.
Last night we went to a wedding reception which was Aidan's first. He was really well behaved and he got to meet a bunch of Anthony's friends that we have not met yet.
And of course I cannot leave out that last week we had more pictures done by Kerri and there are great as usual.
Tomorrow is my birthday and I will be 24. I cannot believe how much we have done in the last year. It has been a great year learning how to be a mommy. So Anthony Aidan and I will spend a nice day together tomorrow.
Enjoy the pics!
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